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How do you get off the rat race?

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About 7 years ago, Steve Cutts shared a brilliant video that now has 49 million views on YouTube, and more than 2.5 million people ‘liked’ it.

What has always struck me as odd is, so many of us completely agree with the message in the video. It resonates. Everyone I have shown that video to always relates with it. And yet, everyday we wake up and do the same thing over and over again.

Even with the awareness, we stay on the hamster wheel.

We know better, but we don’t do better.

Here is the video by the way:

I’m curious, how do you get off the rat race?

What is stopping you from getting off the rat race?

If you have managed to get off the rat race, how did you do it? What strategies can you share with others?

Keep spreading kindness. See you on the next one!

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Author: Jennifer Kyalo
First published in Mental Wealth Newsletter

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