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What to talk about in therapy

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When you go to therapy and you feel like you have nothing to talk about, here are some topics you can address with your therapist:

  1. Weekly update
  2. Goals for therapy
  3. The relationship with your therapist
  4. Current feelings
  5. Triggers
  6. Uncomfortable thoughts
  7. Homework
  8. What brought you to therapy
  9. Feelings about therapy
  10. Over preparing for therapy
  11. Major changes and challenges
  12. Sex & sexuality
  13. Moods
  14. Loss & grief
  15. Trauma
  16. Medical history
  17. Hopes for the future
  18. Taboos
  19. What comes next
  20. Patterns

Read more about things to talk about in therapy in this wonderful article.

Enjoy the episode!

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